about Everthing.
I see people
My childhood was Amazing.
My adolescence was Devastating.
Guilt is the most Powerful,
And Useless,
And it lingers like a cloud over my soul
Yoga both Lightens & Enlightens me
Laundry always gets the best of me.
Drinking lots water makes me feel and look younger.
Drinking wine makes me feel better.
I want to be a farmer and grow everything that I eat.
I want to be a successful business women.
I miss my Dad.
Religion has jaded me.
Love has saved me.
My husband is my best friend.
My children are my everything.
Nothing is more pleasurable to me then my morning coffee.
I sometimes miss my freedom,
I love the beach.
I hate the ocean.
I love to paint.
I will learn to speak 4 languages (besides English) fluently
before I die.
I'm not afraid to die
I am terrified of losing someone I love.
If I could choose one word I would like to be it would be:
If I could choose one word to describe me now it would be:
These things I know to true about me...
In this moment.